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Bruce Wayne's trusted protege Terry McGinnis, who dons the iconic Batman Beyond suit, stands guard under ethereal, ghostly green light. Wallpaper

Batman Beyond is a superhero action-adventure animation series set in a future version of Gotham City, where the iconic Bruce Wayne passes the torch of The Batman onto teenager Terry McGinnis. Terry inherits a powerful Batsuit that grants him enhanced strength and mobility and vigilante justice via the soaring skies of Gotham City. In this image, he’s illuminated by ghostly, neon green light, exuding a haunting yet powerful presence.

Bruce Wayne's trusted protege Terry McGinnis, who dons the iconic Batman Beyond suit, stands guard under ethereal, ghostly green light. Wallpaper
Bruce Wayne's trusted protege Terry McGinnis, who dons the iconic Batman Beyond suit, stands guard under ethereal, ghostly green light. Wallpaper

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Wallpaper by spellbound565 from Wallpapers.com
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