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"The Elric Brothers, Edward and Alphonse, working together to achieve their ultimate goal." Wallpaper

Edward and Alphonse Elric are brothers from the popular anime series, Fullmetal Alchemist. Edward, the elder brother, is a state alchemist gifted with remarkable powers of alchemy. Alphonse has sacrificed his physical body to save his brother and now exists in a suit of armor, trapped between life and death. Together, they have set off on a journey for the Philosopher’s Stone, a powerful artifact that can restore their bodies and bring them closer to achieving their ultimate goal.

"The Elric Brothers, Edward and Alphonse, working together to achieve their ultimate goal." Wallpaper
"The Elric Brothers, Edward and Alphonse, working together to achieve their ultimate goal." Wallpaper

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Wallpaper by stressy from Wallpapers.com
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