Comprehensive Guide to Removing Image Backgrounds on PCs and Mobile Devices

By Ivan Published February 29, 2024

Comprehensive Guide to Removing Image Backgrounds on PCs and Mobile Devices
Comprehensive Guide to Removing Image Backgrounds on PCs and Mobile Devices

Removing or changing the background of an image is a crucial skill in today's digital age, serving a variety of purposes across different platforms and scenarios. This technique enhances the visual appeal of images, focusing the viewer's attention on the main subject by eliminating distracting backgrounds. It is particularly valuable in professional settings, where clean and concise imagery can significantly impact presentations, marketing materials, and product listings, providing a polished and professional appearance.

In personal projects, such as creating custom invitations, profile pictures, or photo books, changing the background can personalize and elevate the overall aesthetic. From simplifying the backdrop to inserting entirely new scenes, the ability to modify an image's background opens up endless possibilities for creativity and customization. Whether for enhancing product images for e-commerce, preparing photos for a business presentation, or crafting unique personal mementos, mastering background removal and alteration techniques is an indispensable skill in the toolkit of anyone working with digital images.

Understanding Background Removal

Background removal from images is a digital editing process aimed at isolating the primary subject by eliminating the background or making it transparent. This technique enhances focus on the subject, facilitates compositing in graphic design, or prepares photos for varied applications, from product catalogs to profile pictures.

Distinction Between Simple and Complex Backgrounds

  • Simple Backgrounds are characterized by their uniform colors and minimalistic patterns, making the separation process straightforward. Tools like magic wand or quick selection in photo editing software can efficiently detect and remove these backgrounds with minimal effort.
  • Complex Backgrounds feature multiple colors, gradients, or intricate patterns that closely intertwine with the subject. Removing such backgrounds requires advanced techniques and tools, such as manual selection, background eraser tools, or AI-powered software, to accurately distinguish between the subject and the background without compromising the image’s integrity.

Challenges in Removing or Changing Backgrounds

  1. Preserving Edge Detail: Fine details such as hair or fur pose significant challenges, often leading to a loss of detail or unnatural edges post-removal.
  2. Color Spill: Background colors reflecting on the subject can make it difficult to cleanly separate the subject without residual coloration, particularly in complex backgrounds.
  3. Matching Lighting and Shadows: When changing backgrounds, ensuring that the subject's lighting and shadows match the new background is crucial for maintaining realism, a challenge that requires skillful manipulation.
  4. Maintaining Realism: Especially when inserting the subject into a new background, achieving a natural blend that considers perspective, scale, and depth is essential to avoid a visibly edited appearance.
  5. Tool Limitations: The effectiveness of background removal tools varies, with some struggling to accurately recognize and separate complex backgrounds or requiring extensive manual correction, increasing the time and effort needed for a clean edit.

Understanding these distinctions and challenges is fundamental in selecting the appropriate methods and tools for background removal, ensuring the final image meets the desired quality and application requirements.

Tools and Software Overview

When removing backgrounds from images on PCs and mobile devices, users have a wide array of tools at their disposal, ranging from simple, user-friendly applications to more sophisticated software offering granular control over the editing process. These tools can be broadly categorized based on their cost (free vs. paid) and accessibility (online vs. offline). Understanding the pros and cons of each category will help you choose the right tool for your specific needs.

Free Tools


  • Wallpapers Free Background Image Remover: Offers quick, automated background removal with the option for minor manual adjustments. Ideal for users seeking a fast solution without the need for intricate edits.
  • PhotoScissors Online: Provides an easy-to-use interface for removing and replacing backgrounds. While it's user-friendly, the precision and quality of the result can vary.


  • GIMP: A free, open-source image editor for Windows, Mac, and Linux, comparable to Photoshop. It requires a steeper learning curve but offers extensive editing capabilities, including background removal.
  • Paint.NET: Available for Windows, this free software includes basic background removal features. It's more accessible for beginners compared to GIMP but offers less advanced features.

Paid Tools


  • Adobe Spark: Part of Adobe's suite, it provides professional-grade background removal with a subscription. It's powerful and integrates well with other Adobe products.
  • Canva Pro: Offers background removal as part of its subscription. It's suited for design tasks, making it a good choice for users looking to create visually appealing content.


  • Adobe Photoshop: The industry standard for image editing, available for Windows and Mac. Offers unparalleled depth in editing capabilities, including advanced background removal tools.
  • Affinity Photo: A one-time purchase software for Windows, Mac, and iPad. It serves as a cost-effective alternative to Photoshop with a robust set of features for background removal and image editing.

Free vs. Paid:

  • Free tools often provide quick and convenient solutions for simple background removal tasks. However, for high-quality, professional results, especially in complex images, paid tools offer more advanced features and finer control.
  • Paid tools, while requiring an investment, offer the benefit of ongoing updates, customer support, and integration with other software or services, which can be particularly valuable for professional or frequent use.

Online vs. Offline:

  • Online tools are accessible from any device with an internet connection, offering convenience and ease of use. However, they may lack the advanced features found in offline software and can be limited by internet speed or data privacy concerns.
  • Offline tools require installation but provide more robust editing capabilities and are not dependent on internet connectivity. They are well-suited for users needing to work on high-resolution images or complex projects.

Choosing the right tool for removing image backgrounds depends on your specific requirements, including the complexity of the task, the desired quality of the outcome, and whether you prioritize convenience or control.

How to Remove Backgrounds on PC

Removing the background from images on a PC can be accomplished through various software, each offering unique tools and features for users with different levels of expertise and needs. Read our guides on How to Remove Background from Picture on Windows and How to Remove Background from Picture on Mac for more detailed information.

Without further ado, here are some of the most effective methods:

Adobe Photoshop: Advanced Techniques

  • Pen Tool: Ideal for precise background removal around complex edges. Select the Pen Tool, trace around the subject you want to keep, then right-click and choose "Make Selection." Invert the selection (Shift + Ctrl + I) and delete the background.
  • Layer Masks: Allows for non-destructive background removal. Add a layer mask to your image layer, then use the brush tool to paint over the background you want to remove with black. Painting with white allows you to restore any part of the image.

GIMP: A Free Alternative

  • GIMP offers a range of tools for background removal, such as the "Fuzzy Select Tool" (Magic Wand) for selecting and removing uniform-colored backgrounds and the "Foreground Select Tool" for more detailed selections.
  • Use the "Paths Tool" for precise edge selection similar to Photoshop's Pen Tool. After making your selection, invert it and press delete to remove the background.

Other Software Recommendations

  • Paint.NET: A free, user-friendly option for simple background removal tasks. It offers a Magic Wand tool for quick selections and a background eraser tool for more detailed work.
  • PhotoScissors: Provides an easy way to remove backgrounds from photos, especially useful for users looking for a straightforward solution without the complexity of professional-grade software.
  • Canva: While primarily a design tool, Canva offers simple background removal features for images used within the platform, suitable for quick edits and design work.

Each of these tools has its strengths, from Photoshop's comprehensive feature set for professionals to GIMP's free and versatile options for hobbyists and intermediate users. Paint.NET and PhotoScissors offer simpler, more intuitive interfaces for basic tasks, while Canva caters to design needs with its built-in background removal feature.

If you're looking to remove desktop background images, refer to these guides: How to Remove Desktop Background Images in Windows and How to Remove Desktop Background Images on Mac.

How to Remove Backgrounds on Mobile Devices


For iOS users aiming to remove backgrounds from images on iPhone, the App Store offers several robust apps that cater to this need with precision and ease:

  • Photoshop Express: A mobile version of Adobe's powerful photo editing tool, offering advanced features including background removal. Its user-friendly interface makes it accessible for both beginners and professionals.
  • Background Eraser: Focused solely on background removal, this app provides tools for automatic or manual erasure, suitable for images where precision is key.
  • Specialized in background removal with just a tap, leveraging AI to detect and remove backgrounds accurately. It's efficient for quick edits without compromising on quality.

Refer to this guide instead if you're learning how to make the background of a picture black on an iPhone.


Android users have access to a wide range of applications on the Google Play Store designed for background removal on Android devices:

  • PhotoLayers: A popular app that allows users to create photomontages by removing backgrounds. Its precision in selecting edges makes it ideal for detailed work.
  • Background Eraser: Similar to its iOS counterpart, it offers tools for manual and automatic background removal, enabling users to refine their images with ease.
  • Ultimate Background Eraser: Provides a variety of erasing tools including auto eraser, magic eraser, and manual brush for targeted editing. It supports batch processing for efficiency.

Tips for Achieving the Best Results on Small Screens

  • Use a Stylus: For more precise control, especially with manual eraser tools, consider using a stylus. It offers better accuracy than a finger, particularly on small touchscreens.
  • Zoom In for Detail: Don’t hesitate to zoom in on areas that require fine editing. This approach helps in accurately removing the background without affecting the subject of the image.
  • Leverage Undo Features: Make use of the undo and redo functions liberally to experiment with different selections and eraser sizes. This can help in achieving the perfect result without the risk of ruining the original image.
  • Opt for Good Lighting: When capturing new photos for background removal, ensure the subject is well-lit and contrasts clearly with the background. This simplifies the background removal process, making automatic tools more effective.
  • Practice Patience: Especially with intricate images, take your time to carefully select and erase the background. Rushing can lead to mistakes or less-than-ideal outcomes.

By utilizing these apps and tips, users on both iOS and Android platforms can achieve professional-level background removal on their mobile devices, enhancing their images for personal or professional use.

Advanced Techniques and Tips

Removing backgrounds from images, especially those with complex gradients or detailed patterns, requires a meticulous approach to preserve the integrity of the subject while ensuring a clean extraction. The challenge amplifies when dealing with fine details such as hair, fur, or transparent objects. Here, we delve into advanced techniques and tips to refine your background removal skills across different platforms, ensuring high-quality results regardless of the complexity.

Techniques for Dealing with Complex Backgrounds

  1. Layer Masking: Essential in both Photoshop (for Windows and Mac users) and similar advanced editing tools, layer masking allows you to hide and reveal portions of an image without losing data. It's particularly effective for gradients and intricate patterns where hard cuts would look unnatural.
  2. Pen Tool Precision: When removing backgrounds from pictures on platforms like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator, use the Pen tool for its unparalleled precision. It's ideal for tracing around subjects with complex edges, allowing for more control compared to the Magic Wand or Quick Selection tools.
  3. Refine Edge Tool: Available in Photoshop, this tool is invaluable for smoothing edges and making adjustments to the border area of the selected subject. It’s especially useful for handling hair or fur, as it can intelligently separate fine details from the background.
  4. Background Eraser Tool: Some applications, including Photoshop and GIMP, offer a Background Eraser tool that can be very effective against complex backgrounds. It works by sampling the color at the center of the brush, erasing that color as you drag around the subject.

Handling Hair and Other Fine Details

  1. Advanced Hair Selection Techniques: Utilize tools like Photoshop’s Select and Mask workspace, which provides sliders to adjust the radius, smoothness, and feathering of the selection. This allows for the capture of fine hair details against busy backgrounds.
  2. Contrast Adjustment for Easier Selection: Increase the contrast temporarily between the hair (or fine details) and the background to make selection tools more effective. After selection, revert the contrast adjustment to its original state.
  3. Use of Channels to Isolate Details: In Photoshop, channels can isolate colors and contrasts that make it easier to select fine details like hair. By duplicating a channel and adjusting its contrast, you create a more defined edge for selection.

Tips for Selecting the Right Tools for Specific Tasks

  1. Evaluate the Complexity of the Image: Simple backgrounds with solid colors can often be handled with basic tools like the Magic Wand or automatic background removal apps on iOS and Android. Complex images require more advanced tools like Photoshop’s Pen tool or Select and Mask workspace.
  2. Consider the Final Use of the Image: If precision is critical (e.g., for professional graphics or product photos), invest time in using advanced tools and techniques. For more casual use, quicker solutions like background removal websites or mobile apps may suffice.
  3. Stay Updated on Software Updates and Plugins: Both desktop and mobile applications frequently update their features and introduce new tools for background removal. Plugins and third-party apps can also offer innovative solutions tailored to specific challenges like hair selection.
  4. Practice and Patience: Mastering background removal, especially for complex images, takes practice. Experiment with different tools and techniques to understand their strengths and limitations in various scenarios.

By leveraging these advanced techniques and tips, users can achieve professional-quality background removal, regardless of the device or software platform. Whether you're working with intricate patterns, gradients, or the fine details of hair, the key is choosing the right tool for the task and applying a careful, methodical approach.

AI and Machine Learning Tools

Overview of AI-based Tools and Their Advantages in Background Removal

AI and Machine Learning tools have revolutionized the process of removing image backgrounds by automating and refining what used to be a tedious manual task. These tools leverage advanced algorithms to accurately distinguish between the foreground and the background of an image, enabling precise removal or alteration of the background with minimal effort. The advantages of using AI-based tools for this purpose include:

  • Speed and Efficiency: AI tools can process images rapidly, handling complex backgrounds and intricate details around the subject that manual editing would struggle with or require significantly more time to achieve.
  • Accuracy: With continuous learning from vast datasets, AI models have become adept at accurately identifying subjects in various poses, lighting conditions, and against complex backgrounds, reducing the need for manual correction.
  • Ease of Use: Most AI-powered background removal tools come with user-friendly interfaces, making them accessible to users of all skill levels without the need for detailed knowledge of photo editing techniques.
  • Versatility: These tools often support various formats and are designed to work on multiple platforms, including PCs and mobile devices, ensuring broad accessibility and utility.

How AI is Changing the Landscape of Image Editing

AI is transforming image editing from a skill-intensive task to an intuitive, automated process. By learning from vast amounts of data, AI tools are not only improving in accuracy but also in their ability to handle a wide range of editing tasks beyond background removal, such as enhancing image quality, color correction, and object manipulation. This democratizes professional-level photo editing, making it accessible to hobbyists and professionals alike and fostering creativity by allowing users to focus on the artistic aspects of image editing rather than technical challenges.

Recommendations for AI Tools on PC and Mobile

For users seeking AI tools for background removal on both PC and mobile platforms, the following recommendations encompass a range of applications catering to various needs and skill levels:

  • A highly popular tool for quick and efficient background removal, available as a web service, desktop application, and mobile app. It's known for its precision and ease of use.
  • Adobe Photoshop Express: Offers AI-powered background removal among its suite of editing tools. Available on PC and mobile, it's a versatile option for users already familiar with Adobe's ecosystem.
  • Canva: While known for graphic design, Canva also offers excellent background removal features powered by AI. It's web-based with mobile apps available, ideal for creating polished content quickly.
  • PhotoRoom: Specifically designed for mobile users, PhotoRoom offers AI-driven background removal and is particularly popular among online sellers for creating product listings without needing a professional setup.

By leveraging these AI and Machine Learning tools, users can significantly enhance their productivity and creativity in image editing tasks across both PCs and mobile devices. Whether for professional design work, social media content, or personal projects, the advancements in AI technology are making high-quality image editing more accessible and efficient than ever.

Practical Applications

Background removal is a vital tool across various industries, enhancing the visual impact of images by focusing on the subject. This technique is crucial in e-commerce, graphic design, marketing, and content creation, among others. Here’s how real-world scenarios benefit from removing or altering image backgrounds:

E-commerce Product Listings

Online retailers often remove backgrounds from product images to create a uniform, distraction-free look across their websites. This approach highlights the product, improving visual appeal and customer focus. For instance, Amazon and eBay recommend sellers use white backgrounds to enhance product visibility, contributing to higher sales and better customer experience.

Professional Portraits and Headshots

Photographers frequently utilize background removal to emphasize the subject in professional portraits and headshots. This technique is especially popular in corporate profiles, actor headshots, and social media profiles. By removing distracting elements, photographers can present a polished image that focuses solely on the person, often substituting the original background with a more appealing or professional scene.

Marketing and Advertising Materials

Marketers leverage background removal to craft compelling visuals that captivate the audience. By isolating the product or subject, designers can seamlessly integrate them into various creative contexts, enabling the creation of dynamic ads, banners, and posters. This flexibility allows for consistent branding across campaigns, irrespective of the original image context.

Website Design and Content Creation

Web designers and content creators remove backgrounds to blend images perfectly with their site's aesthetic, ensuring a cohesive look and feel. Transparent backgrounds allow for the seamless integration of logos, icons, and other graphical elements, enhancing the user interface and improving user engagement.

Troubleshooting Common Problems

Solutions to Common Issues Faced While Removing or Changing Backgrounds

  1. Poor Edge Detection: Often, software struggles to differentiate between the foreground subject and the background, especially if the colors are similar or the edge details are fine. To address this, manually adjust edge detection settings if available, or use a brush tool to refine the edges yourself.
  2. Background Residue: Sometimes, remnants of the original background linger around the subject. For precision removal, zoom in and use a smaller brush size for detailed editing. Alternatively, some applications offer a "background eraser" tool specifically designed for cleaning up these residues.
  3. Mismatched Backgrounds: When inserting a new background, lighting and perspective mismatches can reduce realism. Match the new background's lighting direction and intensity with the original photo. If possible, adjust the perspective to align viewpoints.
  4. Unwanted Transparency: While making backgrounds transparent, it’s easy to accidentally erase part of the subject. Use the "undo" function liberally, or work in layers to easily recover any mistakenly deleted sections.
  5. Software-Specific Issues: Each application has its quirks. For persistent problems, consult the software’s help section, user forums, or tutorial videos specific to your application for tailored advice.

How to Improve the Quality of the Final Images

  1. Start with High-Resolution Images: The quality of your original image significantly impacts the final outcome. Begin with the highest resolution possible to ensure that your edits are as clean and detailed as can be.
  2. Use a Steady Hand or Stylus: When manually editing or refining edges, the precision of a mouse or finger may not suffice. A stylus offers greater accuracy, especially on tablets and touchscreen PCs.
  3. Leverage AI Tools: Many modern applications offer AI-powered background removal tools. These can dramatically improve efficiency and quality, especially for complex images.
  4. Fine-Tune with Feathering and Smoothness Controls: To avoid harsh edges around your subject after removal, adjust the feathering or smoothness settings. This creates a more natural transition between the subject and its new background.
  5. Consider Shadows and Reflections: For a realistic integration of the subject into a new background, add shadows or reflections if they were present in the original scene. Some applications provide tools to mimic these effects convincingly.
  6. Optimize File Format and Compression: When saving your edited image, choose a format and compression level that balances quality with file size. PNG is preferred for transparent backgrounds, while JPEG is suitable for non-transparent images where file size is a concern. Avoid over-compression, as it can degrade image quality.

By addressing these common problems and applying enhancements thoughtfully, you can significantly improve the quality of images with removed or altered backgrounds, achieving professional-looking results even with challenging projects.

Future Trends in Background Removal

The landscape of image editing, specifically background removal, is rapidly evolving, driven by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). As we look to the future, several key trends are poised to redefine how we approach this task, making it more accessible, efficient, and integrated into various applications.

  1. AI and ML Dominance: The most significant shift is the increasing reliance on AI and ML algorithms. These technologies are becoming more sophisticated, allowing for more accurate and faster background removal without the need for manual intervention. Expect to see tools that can automatically detect and differentiate between complex foreground elements and backgrounds, even in challenging conditions like fine hair or transparent objects.
  2. Integration into Smartphone Cameras: Future smartphones will likely have advanced background removal features directly integrated into their camera software. This means real-time background editing during photo capture, enabling users to change or remove backgrounds instantly before taking a picture.
  3. Augmented Reality (AR) Applications: AR technologies will increasingly utilize background removal features to blend virtual and real-world elements seamlessly. This will be particularly impactful in fields such as virtual try-ons, interior design visualization, and immersive gaming experiences.
  4. Cloud-based Services: The shift towards cloud-based image editing tools, including background removal services, will continue. This allows for heavy-lifting tasks to be processed on powerful servers, reducing the need for high-end hardware on the user's end and enabling complex edits on mobile devices.
  5. Personalization and Content Creation: As content creation continues to grow, especially on social media platforms, personalized background removal tools will become more prevalent. These tools will offer users the ability to customize backgrounds based on themes, occasions, or even mood, directly within content creation apps.
  6. Ethical and Privacy Considerations: With the rise of these technologies, ethical and privacy concerns will become more prominent. Developers and users alike will need to navigate the challenges of using such powerful tools responsibly, particularly when it comes to manipulating images in sensitive contexts.
  7. Open Source and Community-Driven Innovations: The future will also see a rise in open-source projects and community-driven tools that democratize background removal technologies. This will enable a broader range of developers and hobbyists to contribute to the evolution of these tools, fostering innovation and accessibility.
  8. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Expect to see a push towards cross-platform tools that work seamlessly across PCs, smartphones, and tablets, with synchronized settings and capabilities. This interoperability will be key in providing a consistent user experience, regardless of the device.


Throughout this comprehensive guide, we have explored various methods and applications for removing image backgrounds across multiple platforms, including iPhones, Android devices, Windows, and Mac systems. We delved into techniques for making image backgrounds transparent and even changing them to solid colors, such as black, on iPhones. Additionally, we covered how to manage and delete desktop background images in Windows and Mac, ensuring your device maintains a clean and personalized appearance.

As you move forward, we encourage you to experiment with the various tools and techniques discussed. The realm of digital imaging is vast and constantly evolving, with new software and updates regularly emerging to enhance user experience and capabilities. By exploring different applications and methods, you'll not only find the ones that best meet your needs but also expand your skill set in image editing and manipulation.

Remember, the key to mastering image background removal—and digital editing as a whole—is practice and curiosity. Don't hesitate to try new approaches, learn from the process, and adapt your technique as you discover what works best for your specific projects. Whether you're a professional looking to refine your workflow or a hobbyist seeking to enhance your personal photos, the tools and knowledge you've gained from this guide will serve as a solid foundation for your ongoing exploration and creativity in the world of image editing.