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"A Matte Black Textured background. Utilise the unique finish to add an element of sophistication to your design and enhance the beauty of the detail."

"This Matte Black Textured background offers an understated sophistication and sophistication to your designs. The unique matte black finish provides an eye catching and contemporary contrast that adds dimension to your project. The fine detail and weight of the finish creates an element of prestige that can't be matched by some of the other classic finishes. Whether you are creating a product launch, a poster or a canvas piece this is the perfect choice for a modern, professional look."

"A Matte Black Textured background. Utilise the unique finish to add an element of sophistication to your design and enhance the beauty of the detail."
"A Matte Black Textured background. Utilise the unique finish to add an element of sophistication to your design and enhance the beauty of the detail."

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Wallpaper by qqq323699 from Wallpapers.com
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