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Johnny Lawrence and Hawk struck a pose in their Cobra Kai dojo.

A high-resolution image of Johnny Lawrence and Hawk, portrayed by William Zabka and Jacob Bertrand, posing fiercely in their Cobra Kai dojo wardrobes, promoting the hit series, "Cobra Kai." The image features the duo displaying their martial arts skills, with the iconic Cobra Kai logo in the background. The intensity and camaraderie displayed in this picture encapsulate the essence of the popular spin-off show from the original Karate Kid film series. The image is ideal for fans who want to capture the spirit of the Cobra Kai legacy.

Johnny Lawrence and Hawk struck a pose in their Cobra Kai dojo.
Johnny Lawrence and Hawk struck a pose in their Cobra Kai dojo.

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Wallpaper by tony.123-enterprises from Wallpapers.com
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