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Legendary American Actor Jerry Orbach Portraying Detective Lennie Briscoe Wallpaper

This image showcases the iconic American actor, Jerry Orbach, in his renowned role as Detective Lennie Briscoe. With an intense look of determination, Orbach is captured in a still scene from the hit series, displaying the depth of character that made him a household name. He is seen in a classic detective outfit, emphasizing his strong persona in solving the most complex cases in the heart of New York City in the Law&Order series. The image represents not only Jerry Orbach's pivotal role in American television but also his immense contribution to the performing arts scene.

Legendary American Actor Jerry Orbach Portraying Detective Lennie Briscoe Wallpaper
Legendary American Actor Jerry Orbach Portraying Detective Lennie Briscoe Wallpaper

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Wallpaper by ching from Wallpapers.com
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