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American professional wrestler Adrian Adonis posing with fellow wrestler Jesse Ventura in American Wrestling Association (AWA). Wallpaper

This is a high-resolution image featuring two iconic figures in the world of professional wrestling. On the left is Adrian Adonis, an American professional wrestler known for his flamboyant character. Beside him is Jesse Ventura, a fellow wrestler, who later became a prominent political figure. They are both seen in their AWA days, where they entertained millions with their unique wrestling styles and competitive spirit. Both of them significantly contributed to the popularity of the American Wrestling Association during their tenure. This image captures a classic moment of their illustrious careers.

American professional wrestler Adrian Adonis posing with fellow wrestler Jesse Ventura in American Wrestling Association (AWA). Wallpaper
American professional wrestler Adrian Adonis posing with fellow wrestler Jesse Ventura in American Wrestling Association (AWA). Wallpaper

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Wallpaper by pwnzyarik from Wallpapers.com
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