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Two monumental statues of guardians – the Argonath – stand tall above the Anduin River in Lord of the Rings Wallpaper

The Argonath, also known as the Pillars of the Kings, are two monumental statues of Isildur and Anarion, the ancient kings of Gondor, standing tall on either side of the Anduin River, as depicted in the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy. The statues, designed by Alan Lee, were made from cost-effective plaster-fiberglass, acetylene torches and metal poles and feature a crown and two majestic lions for each king.

Two monumental statues of guardians - the Argonath - stand tall above the Anduin River in Lord of the Rings Wallpaper
Two monumental statues of guardians - the Argonath - stand tall above the Anduin River in Lord of the Rings Wallpaper

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Wallpaper by tanuhka62 from Wallpapers.com
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