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Fight enemy forces with custom teams in the intense man-to-man combat strategy game Bleach PC. Wallpaper

Bleach PC is a fast-paced action and strategy game that lets you battle enemy forces with custom teams. Players assemble and customize a 3-D squad of up to 20 characters from the Bleach universe to do battle in intense man-to-man combat. Choose from a cast of beloved characters such as Ichigo, Rukia, and Uryu and create teams focused on destruction, healing, or anything in-between. The game features 5-vs-5 and 10-vs-10 team-based mission objectives and highly detailed 3D graphics.

Fight enemy forces with custom teams in the intense man-to-man combat strategy game Bleach PC. Wallpaper
Fight enemy forces with custom teams in the intense man-to-man combat strategy game Bleach PC. Wallpaper

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Wallpaper by usuftazim from Wallpapers.com
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