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The Belcher children: Tina, Gene, and Louise holding candles. Wallpaper

This vibrant image showcases the quirky Belcher siblings from the animated television show, Bob's Burgers. The eldest, Tina, with her iconic glasses and blue shirt, is in the middle. To her right, the enthusiastic and merrily awkward Gene with his keyboard printed yellow T-shirt. And finally, to her left, the youngest, Louise, donning her signature pink bunny ears hat. They appear to be in a dark room or outside at night, because they're each holding a lit candle that casts a warm light on their faces.

The Belcher children: Tina, Gene, and Louise holding candles. Wallpaper
The Belcher children: Tina, Gene, and Louise holding candles. Wallpaper

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Wallpaper by ssss from Wallpapers.com
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