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Ed Harris in the Role of Sniping Expert, Erwin König, in Enemy at the Gates Wallpaper

Hollywood actor Ed Harris is seen fully immersed in his character as the infamous German sniper, Erwin König, from the war film 'Enemy at the Gates'. Clad in a military uniform and gazing intensely through his sniper scope, Harris embodies a compelling portrayal of a sharpshooter set against the backdrop of the Battle of Stalingrad during World War II. The image further amplifies the actor's powerful interpretation of the historical figure with an authentic reproduction of the wartime environment in the details of the costume, props, and set design.

Ed Harris in the Role of Sniping Expert, Erwin König, in Enemy at the Gates Wallpaper
Ed Harris in the Role of Sniping Expert, Erwin König, in Enemy at the Gates Wallpaper

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