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Ha Ji-Won as Empress Ki in captivating traditional Korean attire. Wallpaper

This is an image showcasing the highly-rated Kdrama, Empress Ki. Front and center is renowned actress Ha Ji-Won, who plays the titular character, dressed in traditional Korean regalia. The rich fabrics, intricate embroidery, and distinct workmanship signify her extraordinary status as empress. The background features an imperial palace, further indicating the historical setting of the drama. In this striking image, Ha Ji-Won powerfully embodies the strength and magnitude of Empress Ki, reflecting the drama's quest to bring the nuances of her reign to life.

Ha Ji-Won as Empress Ki in captivating traditional Korean attire. Wallpaper
Ha Ji-Won as Empress Ki in captivating traditional Korean attire. Wallpaper

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Wallpaper by fletcher from Wallpapers.com
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