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Ferocious White Bull in Jallikattu Festival Wallpaper

This enticing image displays a white bull in the traditional Tamil Nadu sport, Jallikattu. Embodying the spirit of the festival, the bull's magnificent stance is an epitome of strength and tradition. Jallikattu, also known as 'bull taming', is a traditional spectacle in which a bovine is released into a crowd of people. Participants attempt to grab the bull's hump and ride it for as long as possible, attempting to bring the animal to a stop. This image encapsulates the heart of this cultural event, showing the ferocity and power of the bull, the central figure in this ancient sport.

Ferocious White Bull in Jallikattu Festival Wallpaper
Ferocious White Bull in Jallikattu Festival Wallpaper

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Wallpaper by infiniti from Wallpapers.com
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