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Diavolo, the head of the Passione crime syndicate and the main antagonist of Jojo Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Golden Wind. Wallpaper

Diavolo is the mysterious and manipulative leader of the powerful Italian mob group Passione. He utilizes his Stand King Crimson to erase time and alter events, making it impossible to predict or remember his actions. As the main antagonist of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Golden Wind, he is an enemy who seeks to destroy the world and create an utopia of his own.

Diavolo, the head of the Passione crime syndicate and the main antagonist of Jojo Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Golden Wind. Wallpaper
Diavolo, the head of the Passione crime syndicate and the main antagonist of Jojo Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Golden Wind. Wallpaper

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Wallpaper by waal.ret from Wallpapers.com
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