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Ling Yao – The Cunning Prince of Xing Wallpaper

A high-quality wallpaper featuring Ling Yao, the charismatic twelfth prince of Xing from Fullmetal Alchemist, depicted with his signature sword and an intense gaze. The perfect wallpaper for fans of Fullmetal Alchemist who appreciate Ling Yao's unique blend of charm, wisdom and determination in his pursuit of immortality. The image showcases Ling Yao's combat-ready stance, reflecting his role as both a skilled swordsman and a cunning strategist. This wallpaper is available in 1440x900 resolution and is ready for download on wallpapers.com. The design is ideal for computer desktop backgrounds and Fullmetal Alchemist enthusiasts looking to showcase their admiration for the innovative character of Ling Yao.

Ling Yao - The Cunning Prince of Xing Wallpaper
Ling Yao - The Cunning Prince of Xing Wallpaper

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Wallpaper by tirael-wizard from Wallpapers.com
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