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Hovering in the Serene Moonlight: The Magnificent Lord Shiva Wallpaper

A profound depiction of Lord Shiva draped in an ethereal aura under the silvery moonlight. The image captures the tranquillity and grandeur of the main deity in Hinduism, known for his powers of destruction and recreation. The moon crowning his head represents the mind and its infinite aspects, including the phases of the mind just like phases of the moon. The calming blues and whites dominant in the image further enhances the peaceful yet powerful essence of Shiva. An ideal choice of wallpaper for those seeking a touch of spirituality and peace for their screens.

Hovering in the Serene Moonlight: The Magnificent Lord Shiva Wallpaper
Hovering in the Serene Moonlight: The Magnificent Lord Shiva Wallpaper

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Wallpaper by u_2008 from Wallpapers.com
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