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Congressmen Ted Deutch and Alcee Hastings engaged in a conversation. Wallpaper

This image captures a moment between two influential figures in American politics, Congressman Ted Deutch and the late Congressman Alcee Hastings. They appear deep in conversation against a professional backdrop. The photo speaks to their commitment and service in the United States Congress. Hastings, a Democratic member from Florida, was notably the longest-serving member of the Florida delegation until his death in 2021. Ted Deutch, also a Democrat from Florida, continues to serve his constituents firmly. The image may be associated with American politics, congressional discussions, policy planning or Florida congressional delegation.

Congressmen Ted Deutch and Alcee Hastings engaged in a conversation. Wallpaper
Congressmen Ted Deutch and Alcee Hastings engaged in a conversation. Wallpaper

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Wallpaper by prakash from Wallpapers.com
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