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Three magical heroes, Ezran, Callum and Rayla, set out on an epic quest to reclaim the Dragon Prince in The Dragon Prince. Wallpaper

In The Dragon Prince, an animated Netflix original series, three unlikely heroes, Ezran, Callum and Rayla, embark on a fantastic journey through the magical lands to restore the Dragon Prince to the throne. On their way, they discover secrets and powerful magic, facing unexpected and thrilling challenges.

Three magical heroes, Ezran, Callum and Rayla, set out on an epic quest to reclaim the Dragon Prince in The Dragon Prince. Wallpaper
Three magical heroes, Ezran, Callum and Rayla, set out on an epic quest to reclaim the Dragon Prince in The Dragon Prince. Wallpaper

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Wallpaper by sashavallabh from Wallpapers.com
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