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Caption: Arrietty and her family, the tiny Borrowers who live hidden beneath the floorboards, exploring the human world. Wallpaper

Description: In this beautiful image from The Secret World of Arrietty, we can admire Studio Ghibli's stunning art as Arrietty, a young Borrower girl, and her family venture into the human world, making their way through a lush garden filled with vibrant plants and intricate details. The scene perfectly captures the engaging adventure Arrietty and her family experience as they adapt to the world of the "beans" – humans – and forge new bonds of friendship.

Caption: Arrietty and her family, the tiny Borrowers who live hidden beneath the floorboards, exploring the human world. Wallpaper
Caption: Arrietty and her family, the tiny Borrowers who live hidden beneath the floorboards, exploring the human world. Wallpaper

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Wallpaper by summerjean from Wallpapers.com
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