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"A legendary fight moment between UFC fighters Cris Cyborg and Julia Budd at Bellator 238" Wallpaper

"This image beautifully captures the intensity and passion of two top UFC female fighters, Cris Cyborg and Julia Budd, during their face-off at Bellator 238. Cyborg, known for her fierce fighting style and impressive track record, looks ready to dominate the ring. On the other hand, Budd, a previous Bellator Featherweight world champion, is no pushover either. This image encapsulates the power, determination, and competitive spirit that defines UFC fights."

"A legendary fight moment between UFC fighters Cris Cyborg and Julia Budd at Bellator 238" Wallpaper
"A legendary fight moment between UFC fighters Cris Cyborg and Julia Budd at Bellator 238" Wallpaper

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Wallpaper by today111 from Wallpapers.com
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