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Promotional poster of Punyashlok Ahilya Bai on SET India Wallpaper

This is an image showcasing the promotional poster of the TV series, Punyashlok Ahilya Bai, aired on Sony Entertainment Television (SET) India. The central character Ahilya Bai is visualized against the backdrop of an imperial setting, signifying the historical and royal essence of the series. The SET India logo is clearly visible which signifies the broadcasting channel of this program. The vibrant colors and the intensity of the character's expression can evoke the audience's interest in the drama series. The show is well-known for its engaging storyline revolving around the life of Ahilya Bai who defies the social norms of her time to take a stance for her beliefs. This serialization portrays an important piece of India's rich historical and cultural heritage.

Promotional poster of Punyashlok Ahilya Bai on SET India Wallpaper
Promotional poster of Punyashlok Ahilya Bai on SET India Wallpaper

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Wallpaper by sweaty13 from Wallpapers.com
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