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Caption: Maria Clara showcasing the elegant traditional Filipina ensemble – Traje De Mestiza. Wallpaper

Description: The image represents a Filipina woman beautifully dressed in a Maria Clara gown, also known as the Mestiza dress. This dress consists of four parts, namely the camisa, saya, panuelo and the tapis. Maria Clara gown is an embodied symbol of purity, innocence, and nobility. It is one of the traditional dresses worn by women in the Philippines, that perfectly mirrors the rich culture, heritage and history of the country. The backdrop adds to the age-old tale that adds character to the wearer.

Caption: Maria Clara showcasing the elegant traditional Filipina ensemble - Traje De Mestiza. Wallpaper
Caption: Maria Clara showcasing the elegant traditional Filipina ensemble - Traje De Mestiza. Wallpaper

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Wallpaper by nipper from Wallpapers.com
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