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Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz from Star vs. The Forces of Evil Animated Series Wallpaper

This image features main characters from the popular animated series, Star vs. The Forces of Evil. Both Star Butterfly, a magical princess from another dimension, and her best friend Marco Diaz are seen in this wallpaper, showcasing the heart of their adventures and captivating friendship. Star Butterfly is known for her magical powers and Marco Diaz for his karate skills which they use to traverse across dimensions and battle villains. The dynamic and vibrant colors in the backdrop lend an other-worldly feel which resonates with the show's theme.

Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz from Star vs. The Forces of Evil Animated Series Wallpaper
Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz from Star vs. The Forces of Evil Animated Series Wallpaper

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Wallpaper by tandukku from Wallpapers.com
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